Monday, January 25, 2016

Calm in the Chaos

"Our Anxiety does not come from thinking about the future, but from wanting to control it." - Kahlil Gibran

Honestly, I have always been a "type A" kind of person. I pride myself on being pretty organized. I am a list maker, a chart maker, I have folders out the wazoo, I even have a color coded schedule/calendar. Lately though, I'm not sure what is going on!
I just realized yesterday, yes YESTERDAY that I haven't made ANY plans for my child's birthday. It is ONE WEEK away. Seriously, I planned his parties TODAY! Typically this would have been well thought out, planned to the T. I would have sent invitations, I would have a theme, decorations and everything would be ready to go, I'm slipping! So, I have come up with 5 possible causes for my total chaos.

"It's all about finding the calm in the chaos" - Donna Karan

  1. Age.......I mean, I am getting older, I just had a birthday. I forget things! I've not hit the big 40 yet, but lets face it I feel every bit of my age. I can see the gray hairs sneaking in, I see the lines getting more defined on my face. I am exhausted, like really exhausted.
  2. Anxiety is finally under, maybe this is it. After years and years of having anxiety (and not even realizing it) I have finally started being more proactive in my mental health. I have medication to help, I also use essential oils, meditation and prayer. I have less of a reason to need to control everything, because for once I realize..... I don't, and it is all going to be ok!
  3. Too much going on...... this is a strong contender! I mean seriously, it is hard to find an open night around here! My own schedule is pretty crazy with my job, my blog, my parents' group, deciding to get involved in local politics, band practice, performances, and trying to keep everything from going to heck at home. On top of that, I have my husband, and his work schedule, he is also pretty active in the boys' extra activities, so he has coaching and cub scouts. My soon to be 18 year old son with his school, home work, job and sports (player and/or spectator). My 14 year old son with his school, home work, and clubs. My soon to be 8 year old, with his crazy schedule of school, homework, cub scouts, football, soccer, and baseball. Let's just say....we are lucky to find more than one night a week that we can have dinner together! 
  4. The person I spend the most time with outside of my family is a total "free-spirit", yes this is true. She may very well be rubbing off on me. She has taught me though that freaking out about everything only stresses me out MORE, and that doesn't do anyone any good.
  5. I live in a house FULL of boys.....well, like I mentioned above, my boys are pretty busy. When they are at home they are STILL busy doing SOMETHING. Besides that, it seems they like to think they live with a full time maid who will gladly pick up their dishes, their clothes, their coats, their back packs. For the record (I rarely pick up after them, they are responsible for their own things), but I do have to tell them if I HAVE to pick it up, it's going to The Mission or the trash.

Whatever the reason may be, I have been a mess lately!  I haven't actually written on my "color coded" calendar since January 5th, when I filled it out (about a week late). I can not even tell you the last time I made a list (except for grocery lists ~ I haven't TOTALLY lost it).

"Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be" - Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

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